SPIRALS VIDEO by Little Grandmother Keisha Crowthers
SPIRALS VIDEO by Little Grandmother Keisha Crowthers
Julia fractal set opposite stonehenge. Witnessed formation on a Saturday afternoon. spider wed formation outside Avebury, worlds largest stone circle, on a feminine ley line: indigenous = Grandmother spider by Silbury Hill, England by Whitehorse, England
Showing pi out to 9 decimal points. This is a universal mathematic principal 3rd is a cc depicting pythagorean theorum, which includes all the musical ratios- mathematics and music, also a universal language. Eulers equation, considered an exploration into mathematic beauty…
Spirals, crop circles, nature, the universe and fibonacci sequence. Keisha Crowthers presentation on spirals ( excellent!!): Sacred Geometry & The Merkabah: Chariot of Ascension.
3d crop circles that started appearing after 1997:
The 1970’s were a unique time for NASA. In 1969, the air force officially closed project blue book ufo investigation due to ‘no credible evidence of ufo’s’. Then following 3 years of lunar exploration from 1969-1972, NASA seemed to be open to a brief chapter of seriously seeking out contact of life forms beyond our own planet with SETI- Search for Extraterrestial
Prior to 1990 Crop circles were just that, circles and dots. In 1990, in the oregon desert etched 3 inches deep into hardscrabble desert floor was a perfect sri yantra mandala, which is an ancient part of Hindu culture and forms the basis for most hindu temples. This ‘crop circle’ appeared suddenly in