Prior to 1990 Crop circles were just that, circles and dots.
In 1990, in the oregon desert etched 3 inches deep into hardscrabble desert floor was a perfect sri yantra mandala, which is an ancient part of Hindu culture and forms the basis for most hindu temples. This ‘crop circle’ appeared suddenly in an area frequented by air national guard jets. After the formation appeared, rains began to appear after many years of draught, which eventually erased the formation.
In 1991 the first complex crop- crop circle appeared near barbury Castle, England. It depicted the simplest of a 3D geometric formation: tetrahedron, with a perfect circle, the dharma wheel of life and a degrading orbit circle. One of the lines had a slight bend.
After a few more complex circles appeared, an article on crop circles appeared in Science magazine, which commented on the increasing complexity of crop circles design, ending with a quip, what next, a mandelbrot? precisely one year to the date of the issue of that magazine, the mandelbrot fractal crop circle appeared. What is interesting is that this was the first time such a manedelbrot fractal design had ever been created other than on a computer. A fractal is a diminishing, repeating pattern.
In 1997, one more step in the evolution of crop circles occured with the development of 3D effect.
On August 7, 2009 ( 7-8-09, in european date designation) in southern Holland the human butterfly formation appeared, with 77 circles, 76 comprising the wings and 1 circle for the heart. One of the largest crop circles, nearly 1/3 mile in diameter. It also referenced the da Vinci Vitruvian man. A seeming reference to the spiritual evolution and transformation of humanity.
The ‘human butterly’ 1600’x 1700′, appeared in southern Holland on the 7th day, of the 8th month, 2009 (7-8-09), the largest crip circle up to that date. It contains 76 circles in the wings, and one in the heart chakra, for a total of 77 circles (10×4 in the outer part of the wings, plus 9×4 in the inner part). It appears also to be a refer to Da Vinci’s Vitruvian man sketch connecting humans to nature. The human butterfly refers more to our spiritual transformation, that we are currently experiencing.